Friday, September 7, 2007

Farm, Family, Fun, and of course FOOD. A trip to Gramp's and Gran's house in Idaho

(Above) Granny, Spencer, and Gramps

(Below)Brittney, Ashley, Natalie, Rusty

Doug, Gran, and Russell

Granny's famous kitchen table where mounds of
potatoes, pounds of roast beef and chicken, rounds
of homemade pies and scrumptious homemade
rolls have been consumed.....does that = a
round mound of scrumptious pounds?

Bailey is so happy to have finished the family
5K that went down Gramp's big hill, up the
other side, to the bridge, turn around, down the
hill, and up the other side--Good job, everyone!


Andrea said...

Aunt Sue!! I found your blog through Natalie's and I'm so excited you started a blog. Welcome to the blogging world! I hope all is well in Utah, and I look forward to reading more of Ma's Blah Blah Blog!

Krista said...

Welcome to blogging! You have done some great posts. I totally need to teach my mom how to do this now! Bai looks super cute running.

Russ and Nat said...

Mom, I hate to be the one to give you blogging etiquette 101...but since I did help you start your blog I guess the job is left to me. Etiquette Rule #1: Thou shalt post to the blog weekly...or at least bi-weekly. I guess there is only one rule......

Brooke said...

Hey, so you never know who is "peeking into the windows of your life" with a blog... right? So I came across your blog tonight and was so happy to see those faces! It has been a long time!
I love your family and feel so blessed to have watched your kids grow up and it looks like they have turned into great people :)
I hope you don't mind me taking a peek every once in a while to see how the Johnson clan is doing.
Brooke (Call) Macfarlane